Over the last 200 years, the global economy has continued to evolve. From the introduction of the steam engine to electricity and now computers, new technology has changed the way we work, live, and communicate. Today, we stand on the cusp of a whole new technological shift that will bring about ground shifting societal changes in the coming decades. One of these will be linked to how we approach retooling and redesigning our economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The use of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas has brought about a significant expansion of wealth for the average human, with many more gains projected over the next 30 years. This growth does however come with a price. As a byproduct of burning these fuels, we release greenhouse gasses, most commonly CO2 and Methane. These gasses reduce the amount of the sun’s heat that escapes from the atmosphere after bouncing off the surface of the earth. Over a long period, this has led to an increase in average global temperatures.
With the rise in global temperatures, new challenges have reared their head including increased extreme weather, more difficulty in agriculture, and desecration of natural habitats. To combat this, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced, pulled out of the atmosphere or a combination of both. Many are citing the global need to have emissions at Net-Zero, where any further emission is offset through capture technology. Such a change will require a significant investment into new technologies and infrastructure. In this report, we detail some of the basic categories of growth within this trend. These include Electric Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles, Battery Technology, Solar Energy, Hydrogen Power, as well as the changes in the Electric Grid. Lastly, we will examine current investment products that seek to take advantage of these coming changes.
This report is not meant to be exhaustive, but to act as a guide to understanding the rapid changes occurring within this exciting ecosystem. Please enjoy.
Introduction  3
Summary of Emissions 4
Electric Vehicles (EVs) 9
Autonomous Vehicles 16
Batteries 18
Solar  20
Battery Storage  25
The Power Grid  27
Investment opportunities 28
Conclusion  29
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