While the US grapples w/1st time a former US president has been indicted, it may be a good time to review all of the criminal (5) & civil (9) cases pending ag #Trump. Statista does a nice job providing all the cases and the link is below.
The NY AG case is not the strongest of the bunch & is out of the norm in the sense of what happened the last time a US president got in hot water. Bill Clinton was about to leave office and had a case pending ag him w/Paula Jones. At that time, President Clinton reached an arrangement with a special prosecutor to avoid being prosecuted after he left office in connection with the Monica Lewinsky affair.
I’ll add that story to the string below for some context on what is happening today with Trump. Not every case should be handled this way, but the Manhattan AG’s case could’ve gone this route as there was precedent for it.
There are many more cases coming and we’ll see what the outcomes will be both politically and economically for the country. Will these cases cause Congress to shutdown, will a default occur bc a Republican strike happens over the cases, will this lead to retribution ag Biden?
The messy legal/political/social/economic process has begun with large problems like China, Ukraine War, AI regulation all needing leadership and all likely to be pushed aside for some time.
Statista’s List of Trump Cases